Today the weather improved, but there were showers off and on much of the morning and afternoon. My parents and sister Joanna came up to celebrate her 41st Birthday. My mother baked two pies, regular and sugar free for my sister, and we enjoyed some time talking and giving her gifts.

Then the weather let up and went up to the horse barn and got to ride around the coral. I rode on a horse called Cinnamon and Natsuyo rode one named Delila.

Even my sister's two year old daughter Hanna got to ride with my father, her grandfather, walking beside to make sure she didn't fall off!

Best of all we got our luggage back after 8 days! Finally feel like our time here has started-no contact lenses for the past week was not fun at all.
Our daughter is enjoying playing games and going to services each day. Looks like her new favorite game is Ga Ga, a sort of dodge ball played inside of a walled space where the ball must bounce off a wall and hit you to get our "out." She is having a great experience here this summer!
