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Day 10: Leaving Camp


The night before we started our last day of camp I went outside and took this picture looking up into the night's sky. At the bottom half of the picture you can see the Milky Way, the sky was so clear that night!

We ate breakfast, French toast, sausage, yogurt and muffins. Breakfasts were always delicious every day.

In the afternoon we had lunch, and it was the American favorite-a choice of hamburgers or hot dogs. We both chose burgers, with potato chips and a choice from three of the past week's cakes. Served right on the water front!

Grace had to get out and do the banana boat one more time! She won't be seeing anything like it for a long time.

Then she went to the Snack Shack and had the Shark Attack Sundae.

I wanted to help her eat up some of the gummy bears, but pulled out a filling instead!!!

The Snack Shack was busy with campers buying their last snacks for the week.

Then it was off to the final meeting for all of the campers in the Tabernacle, the main meeting and event hall of the camp. For me this has been a place I have had a lot of fun at over the years and it was great to see my daughter have her chance to enjoy so new experiences in her life.

Then we said our good-byes and hit the road, about an hour and fifteen minutes, back to my parents house in Calais. It was a great week and we are so thankful for all we were able to enjoy with so many interesting and nice people.

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